

Enviraculture staff include Suitably Qualified Ecologists (SQEs) for BREEAM who can advise clients on the Land use and Ecology criteria schemes. Our services include site survey and reporting, and we can provide advice on opportunities to obtain credits and the implementation of ecology recommendations.


BREEAM is a system that can be used to demonstrate high standards of environmental performance, a proxy for sustainable development. BREEAM criteria include Land Use and Ecology credits. These are included to recognise and encourage actions taken to maintain and enhance the ecological value of the site as a result of development.

Assessment Under BREEAM is a requirement for many developments. We have worked throughout the UK (including the Channel Islands) on BREEAM schemes for both public and private sector clients, and have considerable experience applying both 2018 and 2014 guidance.

Ecology Consultancy Services

A key element of BREEAM is the calculation of the change in ecological value of a site and measures to enhance its ecology value. BSG Ecology is able to advise on native planting, species mixes and management regimes that can be employed to maximise the number of credits achievable under the ecology criteria of each scheme. Our staff are also practiced in the application of the BREEAM Calculator (which follows the Defra metric).

Many schemes for which BREEAM is a requirement are very spatially constrained. Where space is at a premium, the fabric of the built environment itself can be used to deliver cost-effective gains for biodiversity.
BSG Ecology are able to provide advice on maximising the ecological value of living roofs (including brown roofs and green roofs) and living walls (also known as green walls) which can both be used to contribute towards the award of ecology credits.

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