Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS)

Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS)

Maximising Biodiversity Gain From Landscaping And Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS)
BSG Ecology staff work with design teams from concept stage to project completion. This allows effects on biodiversity to be avoided, and opportunities to be identified and maximised. BSG Ecology is able to advise on habitat creation and enhancement appropriate to the locality, as well as how value to biodiversity can be obtained from more formal planted areas. Invasive species such as Japanese knotweed and Himalayan balsam are common on development sites, and we are able to provide advice on the implications of the presence of these species.

We provide advice on the ecological design of features within sustainable drainage systems as part of our input to environmental impact assessments and masterplanning projects. Attenuation ponds and swales provide opportunities for an attractive resource for biodiversity and we are able to provide advice on methods to maximise the value of existing and new features.

Advice On Provision Of Features For Species

We are able to provide advice on how measures for specific species can be incorporated into new builds or refurbishment projects including integrated bird and bat boxes, bird bricks, bat bricks and bat tiles. Our advice considers how these measures can be incorporated or retained without compromising the additional demands imposed on projects by initiatives such as “zero carbon” homes.

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